As csshX is a command line tool, no special installation is needed. It maybe copied into a directory in your path, (e.g. /usr/local/bin) for your convenience.
The software has been tested on Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 with the default Perl installation - no additional Perl modules are required.
DESCRIPTION csshX is a tool to allow simultaneous control of multiple ssh sessions. host1, host2, etc. are either remote hostnames or remote cluster names. csshX will attempt to create an ssh session to each remote host in separate windows. A master window will also be created. All keyboard input in the master will be sent to all the slave windows.
To specify the username for each host, the hostname can be prepended by user@. Similarly, appending :port will set the port to ssh to.
You can also use hostname ranges, to specify many hosts.
OPTIONS -l username, --login username Remote user to authenticate as for all hosts. This is overridden by user@.
-c configfile, --config configfile Alternative config file to use
# If you already have installed it: brew remove csshx # Then add the tap: brew tap parera10/csshx # Then install it again: brew install parera10/csshx/csshx